Tuesday, 9 November 2010

1st - 3rd November - Cape Leveque

A couple of the group were getting itchy feet and wanted to explore a bit more of the wilderness.  Cally, Suzie and I have rented a 4x4 to go to Cape Leveque.  We have been warned that the roads were difficult for a "normal" car so decided to press on with a 4x4.  Setting off at a reasonable time we headed the short distance to where the surfaced road ends and the roads becomes an unsurfaced road and becomes a bit more difficult to pass.  Along the route we did see a couple of cars that had been abandoned and so I felt a bit happier with our choice of vehicle.  We pushed on and found ourselves a camp site at middle lagoon.  This was a beautiful cove and the camp site overlooked it.  The beach had soft white sand and the sea was warm.  I spent a bit of time messing around in the sea, before we went back to camp and set up a camp fire.  We returned and watched the sun go down before cooking up tea on the camp fire.
The following day we headed north to the peak of Cape Leveque and to a pearl farm.  Cygnet Bay was the first Australian owned pearl farm.  We had a tour and learnt more about how the process was manufactured.  At the end of the tour we were shown different pearls, and I managed to handle a $50,000 pearl necklace!!!
After that we headed to our next camp site and this was a more upmarket camp site.  Free wood to set up a fire, a BBQ station - and most importantly a shop selling ice creams as the weather was sweltering.  We settled in and Cal and I went to watch the sunset as Suzie had come down with a bug.  We made a nice meal for tea and settled in for bed.  The night was exciting as thunder clouds were in the distance and I was worried that a storm was heading in. 
I awoke the following morning to find that the storm had decided that someone else was having a nicer camping holiday and fortunately wanted to gatecrash their gig.
We headed back to Broome with a bit of adventure a rain cloud had decided to rain on the unsurfaced road.  Fortunately for us the designated driver, Suzie, is a farmers daughter and managed to control a skid after a bit of a hairy moment.  I cant help thinking it was fun - when really I should have been more concerned about my safety..
We finished the day with a beer on cable beach back in Broome, and fish and chips supper.  Nice.

1 comment:

  1. $50,000 pearl necklace eh? Say no more , nudge nudge wink wink.
    Formby beach used to be called cable beach too Adie, until they cleaned it up. Glad you're having fun
