Sunday, 19 September 2010

14th September - La Paz

A long night last night.  The Bolivian Belly Sniper struck and I was stuck on the loo most of the night.  I am gutted as mountain biking down the death road is a no go.

Paul my room mate left the tour today.  Funnily I have a new room mate who started today, a chap caled Steve.  Nice guy but weird that me and Paul had gotten chatting to him on the coach from Uyuni to LaPaz.  It really is a small world!!!

Andrea managed to get me my death road t-shirt.  Probably the only time I will spend 100 dollars on a tshirt!

New tour leader is Shyri, first girl in control.  We agreed to give a collection to Jenny and Denny who had had their camera stolen in Uyuni and advised JJ that this was his tip but it would be a nice gesture - to which he agreed.  Off to Peru tomorrow and hopefully leave the Bolivian Belly behind.

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